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Raising the Rafters Kootchmas Special

  • St James Room Church Street Rotherham, England, S63 7RD United Kingdom (map)

We’re back!

We love Rafters, the music, the people, the naffle!

Join us to raise some money for charity, t’is the season, after all.

£5 entry on the door, or you can purchase in advance at Wegottickets.

And if the entry fee isn’t bargain enough, for just £1 you get to experience the exhilaration of the naffle. It’s quite likely that we will be contributing to this. Probably both something naff and one of our CD’s. What’s the difference we hear you say?! Very little, we reply… But, hey, it’s nearly Christmas, and it’s the perfect gift to tell someone subtly how little you think of them.

Earlier Event: October 25
Derby Folk Festival